Other basic organic chemical manufacturing




Other basic organic chemical manufacturing

325191 Gum and wood chemicals
3251910 Gum and wood chemicals, including wood distillation products
32519101 Gum and wood chemicals, including wood distillation products
3251910111 Hardwood charcoal and charcoal briquets, including blends with lignite or other materials
3251910121 Tall oil, crude
32519102 Other gum and wood chemicals, including gum naval stores, natural tanning and dying materials, tannic acid, etc., refined tall oil and tall oil rosin
3251910231 Refined tall oil (containing less than 90 percent free fatty acids, including tall oil resins, other than tall oil rosin)
3251910241 Rosin and other tall oil derivatives, including rosin acid salts (except tall oil fatty acids)
3251910291 Other gum and wood chems, incl. gum naval stores, nat. tanning and dying materials, tannic acid, nat. acetic acid, methanol, softwood charcoal, veg. pitches, wood tar and tar oil, pine oil, etc.
3251910Y Gum and wood chemicals, nsk
3251910YWW Gum and wood chemicals, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3251910YWY Gum and wood chemicals, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325192 Cyclic crudes and intermediates
3251921 Cyclic (coal tar) intermediates
32519211 Cyclic (coal tar) intermediates
3251921100 Cyclic (coal tar) intermediates
3251924 Tar, tar crudes and tar pitches
32519241 Tar, tar crudes and tar pitches
3251924100 Tar, tar crudes and tar pitches
325192W Cyclic crudes and intermediates, nsk, total
325192WY Cyclic crudes and intermediates, nsk, total
325192WYWW Cyclic crudes and intermediates, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325192WYWY Cyclic crudes and intermediates, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325193 Ethyl alcohol
3251930 Ethyl alcohol
32519301 Ethyl alcohol, manufactured by the wet mill process, fuel ethanol (fuel-grade ethyl alcohol)
3251930111 Fuel ethanol (fuel-grade ethyl alcohol), manufactured by the wet mill process
32519302 Ethyl alcohol, manufactured by the wet mill process, pure and other denatured (special or complete)
3251930211 Pure (natural) (proof gal basis) ethyl alcohol, manufactured by the wet mill process
3251930221 Other denatured (special or complete) ethyl alcohol, including natural and synthetic, for uses other than rubbing, manufactured by the wet mill process
32519303 Ethyl alcohol, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distallation), fuel ethanol
3251930311 Fuel ethanol, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distillation)
32519304 Ethyl alcohol, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distillation), pure (natural) (proof gal basis)
3251930411 Pure (natural) ethyl alcohol, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distillation), (proof gal basis)
32519305 Other denatured (special or complete) ethyl alcohol, incl natural and synthetic, for uses other than rubbing, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distillation)
3251930511 Other denatured (special or complete) ethyl alcohol, incl natural and synthetic, for uses other than rubbing, manufactured by other processes (dry mill-distillation)
3251930Y Ethyl alcohol, nsk
3251930YWW Ethyl alcohol, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3251930YWY Ethyl alcohol, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325199 All other basic organic chemicals
3251991 Fatty acids
32519911 Fatty acids (produced for sale as such)
3251991111 Saturated stearic fatty acids (40 to 50 percent stearic content)
3251991121 Saturated hydrogenated animal and vegetable fatty acids
3251991131 Other saturated fatty acids, including hydrogenated fish and marine mammal fatty acids
3251991141 Unsaturated oleic fatty acids, including white oleic acid and red oil
3251991151 Other unsaturated fatty acids
3251991161 Tall oil fatty acids containing less than 2 percent rosin acids and more than 95 percent fatty acids
3251991171 Tall oil fatty acids containing 2 percent or more rosin acids
3251991181 Fatty acid esters
3251991Y Fatty acids (produced for sale as such), nsk
3251991YWV Fatty acids (produced for sale as such), nsk
3251994 Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals, except preparations
32519941 Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals, except preparations
3251994100 Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals, except preparations
3251997 Industrial organic flavor oil mixtures and blends
32519971 Industrial organic flavor oil mixtures and blends
3251997100 Industrial organic flavor oil mixtures and blends
325199A Reagent and high purity grades of organic chemicals refined from purchased technical grades
325199A1 Reagent and high purity grades of organic chemicals refined from purchased technical grades
325199A100 Reagent and high purity grades of organic chemicals refined from purchased technical grades
325199E Natural organic chemicals, nec
325199E1 Natural organic chemicals, including derivatives of fatty substances, except plasticizers
325199E111 Natural organic chemical derivatives of fatty substances, incl salts, alcohols and esters, except plasticizers and surface active agents
325199E121 Other natural organic chemicals, nec
325199EY Other industrial organic chemicals, nsk
325199EYWV Other industrial organic chemicals, nsk
325199G Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed
325199G1 Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed
325199G110 Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed, methanol (methyl alcohol)
325199G120 Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed, isopropyl alcohol
325199G130 Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed, butyl alcohol
325199G140 Other synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed
325199G2 Synthetic organic alcohols, mixed
325199G210 Synthetic organic alcohols, mixed
325199GY Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed, nsk
325199GYWV Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed, nsk
325199H Synthetic organic chemicals for use as flavor and perfume materials
325199H1 Synthetic organic chemicals, for use as flavor and perfume materials, mixed and unmixed
325199H111 Synthetic organic chemical compounds for use as flavor and perfume materials, unmixed
325199H121 Synthetic organic chemical compounds for use as flavor and perfume materials, mixed
325199HY Synthetic organic chemicals, nec, nsk
325199HYWV Synthetic organic chemicals, nec, nsk
325199K Synthetic organic rubber-processing chemicals
325199K1 Synthetic organic rubber-processing chemicals
325199K100 Synthetic organic rubber-processing chemicals
325199N Synthetic organic plasticizers
325199N1 Synthetic organic plasticizers
325199N100 Synthetic organic plasticizers
325199R Other synthetic organic chemicals, nec
325199R1 Other synthetic organic chemicals, nec
325199R100 Other synthetic organic chemicals, nec
325199T Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products (excluding urea) and other industrial organic chemicals, nec
325199T1 Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products (excluding urea) and other industrial organic chemicals, nec
325199T100 Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products (excluding urea) and other industrial organic chemicals, nec
325199U Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, except fluorocarbon gases, carbon bisulfide (disulfide) and fatty acid esters
325199U1 Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, except fluorocarbon gases, carbon bisulfide (disulfide) and fatty acid esters
325199U100 Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, except fluorocarbon gases, carbon bisulfide (disulfide) and fatty acid esters
325199V Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, excluding fatty acid esters
325199V1 Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, excluding fatty acid esters
325199V100 Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, excluding fatty acid esters
325199W All other basic organic chemicals, nsk, total
325199WY All other basic organic chemicals, nsk, total
325199WYWW All other basic organic chemicals, nec, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325199WYWY All other basic organic chemicals, nec, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Other basic organic chemical manufacturing (Ref: 32519) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.